About Us

Who we are

ALM creative is a Florida based marketing and PR consulting agency founded by Cécile Charlotin in 2020. With an experience in radio marketing Cécile envisioned starting an agency where she could focus on her passion and give clients the exceptional service they deserve. Client relationships is the foundation in which ALM creative was built on. 

Cécile Charlotin


Before creating ALM Creative Cécile had years of experience in social media marketing and brand relations as a fashion blogger. Account management at iHeart Media fueled her profound interest in creative marketing. 

Mike Erbe

SEO Director

A passionate paddle boarder and Florida Native, Mike brings his expertise in SEO, SEM and the tech world to his role as the head of the SEO department at ALM creative.  

Anthony Rolon

Project Manager

With a wealth of knowledge in marketing as well as software management Anthony uses his well rounded skills to execute and track our campaigns. He’s a an avid travel and wine enthusiast and loves Vietnamese food.  

Our Mission

To be creatively connected and invested in our customers success by incorporating strategy and thoughtful design to each and every project. 

“Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business ”

Steve Forbes 

people, walking, shopping